헨리 클라우드 [바운더리 Boundaries for Leaders]

[인테그리티, 성과를 만드는 성품의 힘]에 이어 연암사 출판사에서 출간하는 헨리 클라우드의 책 [바운더리 Boundaries for Leaders]는 리더가 자신이 지닌 힘의 영역에서 소유권과 통제권을 회복하고 ‘집중, 억제, 기억’이라는 뇌의 집행기능을 활용하여 다른 사람들과 함께 성과를 만드는 리더십을 설명하는 책이다.

연암사 출판사의 신간 [바운더리]는 이미 출간한 [인테그리티]와 더불어 비즈니스 리더가 지금까지 경험하지 못했던 새로운 차원의 리더십을 보여 줄 것이다.

In Boundaries for Leaders, Dr. Henry Cloud gives leaders the tools and techniques they need to achieve the performance they desire – in their organizations and in themselves. Drawing on the latest findings from neuroscience, Dr. Cloud shows why it’s critical for leaders to set the conditions that make people’s brains perform at their highest levels. How do great leaders do this? One way is through the creation of “boundaries” – structures that determine what will exist and what will not.

Here you will learn seven leadership boundaries that set the stage, tone, and culture for a results-driven organization, including how to:

▷Help people focus their attention on the things that matter most
▷Build the emotional climate that drives brain functioning
▷Facilitate connections that boost energy and momentum
▷Create organizational thought patterns that limit negativity and helplessness
▷Identify paths for people to take control of the activities that drive results
▷Create high-performance teams organized around the behaviors that drive results
▷Lead yourself in a manner that protects the vision

The strong call to action in this book is that leaders are ridiculously in charge of all these elements, and they must own what they either create or allow to exist.

Filled with inspiring and practical examples from Dr. Cloud’s coaching practice, Boundaries for Leaders is essential listening for everyone who aspires to lead companies, teams, and cultures defined by high performance and healthy relationships.

[바운더리, 성과를 만드는 통제와 책임의 힘]

예스24 https://bit.ly/3GMWdAb
교보문고 https://bit.ly/3m9fRwD
알라딘 https://bit.ly/3GJd5I7
인터파크 https://bit.ly/3x3QtgP

[인테그리티, 성과를 만드는 성품의 힘]

예스24 https://bit.ly/3Fp5JZa
알라딘 https://bit.ly/3lfS26P
교보문고 https://bit.ly/3FoFemt
인터파크 https://bit.ly/3v4uZPz

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